Website System Upgrade Announcement
Hello our valuable customers,
ACG Go Anime has started to upgrade the website system for the online shopping experience. We will add more convenient and powerful features to serve our customers.
Long-term Upgrade
- New Appearance of Websites
- Account Center - you'll be able to track and retrieve your history orders
- Online Chatting Box - you'll be easier to reach out to our customer service team
- Pre-Order System - more clearly guidelines & rules for making pre-order, making initial deposit for a pre-order item, tracking production & international shipping timing
- Rewards & Membership Program - earn & redeem rewards with us
- Event Page - Providing our event calendar (physical store events, online store events, and convention/comic-con routes)
- Online Community will be back soon!
- Collab & Affiliated Program - if you are a streamer or a social media influencer, please feel free to collab with us!
- Hiring Page - we are inviting more people to join our team
- Business Wholesale Program - you're able to apply to become a distributor of ACG Go Anime, directly make your wholesale order on our website
Release Timeline
- Sep 30 - Publish the new sites (Genshin Impact merchandise only)
- Sep 30 - Online Chatting Box (Basic features)
- Sep 30 - Account Center
- Sep 30 - Pre-Order System
- Oct 4 - Online Chatting Box (Full-feature installation)
- Oct 8 - Account Center - (Old history order retrieve page)
- Oct 14 - Fully migration to the new sites (All merchandise besides Genshin Impact)
- Oct 16 - Rewards & Membership Program
- Oct 20 - Collab & Affiliated Program
- Oct 22 - Event Page
- Oct 24 - Hiring Page
- Oct 30 - ACG Go Online Community
- Oct 31 - Business Wholesale Program
What will be affected during the upgrade?
- Our team may occasionally close the website for maintenance at the midnight.
- You will see some terms & rules pages may have formatting errors and outdated information. We'll keep updating all terms & article pages as soon as we can. (By Oct 4, 2022)
- You may not find how to retrieve your history orders and rewards. Don't worry, we are working on this to give our customers the best experience. Please check back later and we will have them done for you. (Before Oct 8, 2022)
- Old Online Store Website moved to https://acg-go.square.site/, if you have any old information or any merchandise besides Genshin Impact, please refer to our old store. (Before Oct 14, 2022)
Find anything wrong or inappropriate on our web pages? Please feel free to contact us via the chatting box on this page (a green button at the right bottom corner) or send an email to us via service@acg-go.com.
We hope we could finish all upgrading before the scheduled timeline. Thank you for your all support and understanding!
Best wishes,
ACG Go Anime